Company “Volodarka” inform you about possibility to sew clothes at you order.
Near a twenty year we cooperate with Ukrainian and foreign firms.
Monthly updates lineup innovations allow you to attract more customers to come to you often, increase turnover | Full support: local advertising support and free materials; assistance in opening, the design of the outlet; training your staff | High-quality classic clothing demand. For over half a century clothes “Ruler” keeps his audience in Ukraine and abroad due respect for the classic men’s fashion trends, using only high quality fabrics | Price of products provide a good margin with small batch orders. A variety of models and a wide price range will allow you to adjust the range of the audience in your store |
With development our manufacture possibility we are ready to attract new clients. We can make offer on production big assortment men’s clothes agree your order. We have a modern equipment of the best world manufacturing.
We have high qualified personnel who can satisfy all your requirements You can make choice of the follow position
- Man’s suit
- Man’s jacket
- Man’s trousers
- Man’s waistcoat
- Man’s coat
- Man’s raincoat
- Female trousers
We are ready to provide as much as possible fast terms and faultless quality. Each product checks our controllers and representatives of the customer.
The minimum party of the order 100 unit one model. The public corporation “Volodarka” invites the Ukrainian commercial establishments to the mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of sales of products of the trade mark “Volodarka”.
We can supply our partners with the overall advertising support:
- the local advertising support;
- help in the carrying out an advertising action;
- help in the creation and allocation of the outside advertising;
- an advertising polygraphy;
- souvenirs and other advertising goods.
You can always use the professional support of our staff about merchandising and correct trade organization. Also there is the possibility of carrying out the seminars about the methods of the effective goods selling of the trade mark “Volodarka” for your sellers.
Due to the agreement between the partners the production can be delivered along the territory of Ukraine by the establishment motor transport.